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On the Scales


From beginning to end, the journey for a patient undergoing bariatric care is full of changes. It will require persistence and discipline, but at the end it is all worth it. Feel free to learn more about the patient journey.


The sleeve gastrectomy procedure has become the most popular weight loss procedure in the country. Operating time for the gastric sleeve in Houston with Dr. Chaudhry, is anywhere from 60-90 minutes, or half of that of a gastric bypass procedure. Additionally, the sleeve procedure requires no rearranging of the intestinal flow. Patients who undergo this procedure should expect to lose about 70% of their excess body weight over a course of 2 years.





















The surgery works by being restrictive as 75% of your stomach is removed from the body, thus making you feel fuller quicker. An additional benefit of the sleeve gastrectomy is that it significantly decreases the amount of Ghrelin in the blood stream, a hormone that is secreted from the removed part of the stomach (the gastric fundus) that is responsible for the hunger drive. Less Ghrelin means less hunger. On average, you should expect to lose 10 pounds every month for the first year. Results vary patient to patient and also vary based on compliance with a healthy diet and exercise routine.




After your gastric sleeve in Houston is complete, a night stay in the hospital is required, and most patients are discharged to go home the next day. With the help of Dr. Chaudhry and a Registered Dietician, your new diet will be set for your to follow after surgery is complete. Dr. Chaudhry will continue to follow up with you a week to 10 days after your surgery. He will remain heavily involved during your recovery to be sure you will get the best results from your procedure. You should expect to see him about 4 times the first year of your surgery. These initial follow up visits assure progress is being made and all questions or concerns are addressed during the early phase of weight-loss surgery. Do not miss these appointments as they will be crucial to your progress.


  1. Watch your sugar intake. After surgery, it is more important than ever to watch what you eat and drink. Soda, for example, may not be the best drink to reach for when enjoying a meal. Soda contains empty calories and an excess amount of unnecessary sugar. Instead, reach for a glass of water or water infused lightly with fruit for added flavor. Watching sugar levels includes watching your intake on heavy sweets like cake and cookies, as well as fruit and fruit juices. You may think they are healthy, and they are in moderation, but too much or simply not reading the nutrition label can be dangerous. Fruit and fruit juice both contain sugar and can be harmful to the efforts you have put in if you have too much of it every day. 

  2. Try to form a new habit by not eating and drinking at the same time. This will allow your body to process one food or drink item at a time to make sure digestion stays slow and steady all the way through to the small intestine. Eating and drinking simultaneously can result in items moving through the body too quickly causing unpleasant side effects like nausea or stomach discomfort.

  3. To better avoid developing a vitamin deficiency, be sure to take the essential vitamins needed after surgery and beyond recovery. Listen to your body and learn to read the signs when you find you may not be feeling your best. Check-in with yourself every day to make sure you have a full supply of whatever vitamins and minerals you need to improve. Do the same with your diet and try to incorporate as many vitamins and minerals possible through various food groups.

  4. Reduce restaurant visits. It can be harder to stay on track when you are out at a restaurant. Meal prep if possible to avoid temptation, and ask for healthier options for your meal if you must go out. Do whatever is necessary to make sure you stay on the right track.

  5. Stay active. Follow Dr. Chaudhry’s advice exactly during your journey using diet and exercise. Be sure to recover and heal as best you can at first, but when the time is right, get active and set a workout routine that works for you. Start slow and build up from there. Something is better than nothing and a 15-30 minute walk outside can bring more benefits than 15-30 minutes sitting down.

  6. Stay positive! Keep your spirits up in any way that you can. Surround yourself with family and friends who can be supportive of your weight loss journey. Look into support groups to listen and discuss with others who have shared your experience. Do whatever feels right in order to stay confident in your progress and in yourself.


If you answer yes to any of the following questions and have a BMI of 35 or more you are a potential candidate for bariatric surgery:

  • Am I having trouble losing weight with diet and exercise?

  • Do I suffer from joint pain or back pain?

  • Do I have diabetes or prediabetes?

  • Do I have high blood pressure?

  • Do I have high cholesterol?

  • Do I have heart disease?

  • Do I have sleep apnea?

  • Do I have low energy?

  • Do I suffer from polycystic ovaries?

  • Do I have a poor quality of life?

  • Do you feel like a prisoner in your own body and do you feel like you can’t do the things you love to do?


Those who are considering undergoing weight loss surgery have many questions and concerns. We have offered some basic information about the gastric sleeve, and answers to some of the most common questions patients we are asked about the procedure.


Is the gastric sleeve better than gastric bypass surgery?

The gastric sleeve requires less surgery time than the gastric bypass surgery, in which a new connection between the stomach and small intestine is surgically created. The gastric sleeve requires one multivitamin daily, compared to two multivitamins daily for the gastric bypass. The rate of complications are similar between the gastric bypass and the gastric sleeve. Dr. Chaudhry will discuss the pros and cons of each surgery and will tailor the surgery based on your medical problems and BMI. 


Will I maintain the weight loss after a gastric sleeve surgery?

Research has shown that patients undergoing this surgery lose about 70 percent of their excess weight, on average. Even more weight can be lost if you carefully watch your diet and engage in a regular exercise program. After you have lost your weight, during the first 1.5 to 2 years, you will experience a "plateau." Making it through this period is one of the most critical points in maintaining weight loss. You may add more exercise to your weight loss regimen (such as a walk) to continue to lose weight. What you consume makes a difference – it is advised that you track what you consume and avoid sugary and fatty foods as a critical lifestyle change. One of the challenges you may face is not to fall back into unhealthy eating habits. The two most common causes of weight regain after bariatric surgery are eating a lot of fast food and living a sedentary lifestyle. So make sure you are moving around (exercising) and avoiding the preservatives in fast food restaurants.


How much weight will I lose with a gastric sleeve?

Most patients are reported to lose about 70 percent of their excess weight. Even with such a dramatic loss of weight, many people want to lose even more, which can be accomplished without much difficulty by following a strict exercise and diet plan.


How long will I need to recover from a sleeve gastrectomy?

Most patients can return home the day following their gastric sleeve surgery. The most important issue in being released to go home is the ability to stay hydrated. You will be assisted by a nurse to walk just a few hours after surgery and will start the first stage of the recovery diet with clear liquids. Any pain can be managed with prescription medication during this phase. Initially, you will feel tired and will want to rest. Depending upon your general health, you will be ready to go back to work within 3 to 4 days following your operation. Everyone heals at a different rate, however, and some patients may require 2-4 weeks off work. Dr. Chaudhry will discuss each individual's return to work prior to the operation.




Schedule a consultation and get started on your weight loss journey today!

Doctor and Patient


Our team is happy to speak with you and help you understand any of the treatments we offer, or answer any questions you have. Please call and speak with us at 832-408-9972, or read more about the surgical and non-surgical options we offer here.



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"I had surgery on July 11th, 2016 by Dr. Chaudhry. I have lost 120.5 pounds. I knew I needed to take control of my life. I fretted over making the first appointment to see Dr. Chaudhry. He was amazing. He was very detailed in explaining my options and truly made me feel comfortable.


For once a doctor was supportive of helping me be successful, not judging me as if I had made bad life choices. He recommended the Gastric Sleeve. I wish I would have had surgery sooner. I feel better than I did in my twenties. I had let life get the best of me.


Food had become my comfort and then my excuse. When I saw Dr. Chaudhry I weighed 274 pounds. I am now 154 pounds almost 10 months post op. I am off all of my other medications other than an occasional headache. I am enjoying things that I either physically couldn’t do or I was embarrassed.


My outside now matches my inside. I am proud of who I am. I am proud of what I have become. I appreciate what Dr. Chaudhry has done for me."

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